Sunday, January 30, 2011

Welcome to the 2nd semester

Hey everybody. Time to start using the blog more regularly.

Here's the schedule for the week of Jan 31 - Feb 4:

Monday - Measurement & metric system w/ "normal" teacher
Tuesday - Begin measurement lab w/ "normal" teacher
Wednesday - Finish measurement lab w/ "opposite" teacher
        Mr. Landry's classes will report to Mr. Smith (2nd Block) or Miss Owens (4th Block) room
        Mr. Smith's & Miss Owens' class will report to Mr. Landry's room
Thursday - Accuracy v. Precision & measurement lab wrapup (part will be in normal room, other part together)
Friday - Begin forces unit (Landry's class) or begin motion unit (Smith & Owens' classes)

Also, there are some extra credit opportunities out there:
1. Subscribe to this blog through email or as a follower (3 points (earn another 3 points for getting your parent or guardian to subscribe as well))
2. Bring in two boxes of Kleenex OR one container of Clorox wipes (free homework pass from Mr. Landry)

It was a great first week! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through email at

Friday, January 14, 2011 study cards

Send link through email or in the comments box below. 5 points extra credit if done by Monday Jan. 17 6:00pm. Click comments below to access other flashcards created by students from class (you may need to copy and paste the address into your web browser as the hyperlinks in the comments are not working).

Here's a set made by Rachel R.:

Here's a set made by Rachel D: